Nice advert for the distillery! Paid for by them perhaps?
Why dya think they'd make it to appeal to the brits?
we received this link through an email chain.
not too sure what the purpose's mostly about food.. .
Nice advert for the distillery! Paid for by them perhaps?
Why dya think they'd make it to appeal to the brits?
i found a way to get the entire spreadsheet into google so that people can take a look at it.... i also made a spreadsheet that shows the doctrines with most # of changes, ranked from most to least:.
Coming up blank for me mate..
my husband and i (both born in jws with extended family all "in" except for one of my sisters who left when we did) left the church 5 years ago.
we did not fade, we just didn't believe it anymore, told our families so and left.
obviously, big drama in our family after this, messy feelings, etc.
What a thread! Cheers!
for whatever reason you are still stuck in the cult, are.
you having fun?.
think about it, you can write down any time you feel like.. when you are out in fs, tell them i have a return visit .. the person prefer i come alone and then go home and take a. nap....assembly time, volunteer to work in the parking lot,leave.
If it wasn't for worrying about waking the other half up, I'd say yes. Minimal ministry, having 'fun' exercising my critical thinking abilities every meeting that I attend. But every day, NO GUILT! that's a bit good...
thought i am gonna introduce myself.
i am a girl from a country in europe, and not an english speaking one, so if i am writing strange or something, you know why.
anyway, have been reading here for a while now, the other day i thought it was time to register as a member.
But you can't string us along like that, we need music recommendations! Plenty of us in similar boats to you matey, you're no longer alone..
i don't recall reaading on here about any.. i just wondered if any actually happened?.
oops i misspelled "at" in the title.
Yep we had them again this year, Jason thickpenny and his group of born againers. Holding signs showing the '1914 the generation that will not die away' front cover of he WT, and other assorted anti jw rhetoric. He was walking around with the large print brown reference bible, which I thought was a nice touch. All seems a bit pointless though, barely anyone would talk to them even if they wanted to, there's too much peer pressure. I think that big jw facts signs would be more fruitful.
is there any way we can try to start a crowd-fund to help terry get some wheels quicker than he currently can?
with craigslist and a couple of bucks from a few members we can help terry get moving.
does anyone have any ideas how we can do a "theists for terry" bike fund raiser and challenge the atheists to a bucket-head challenge?
Dammit, how can an offer of help turn into a big argument? I expected better from the people on here. So others didn't get help but someone offered to help terry. So what? Would you slag me off for donating to girl scouts but not oxfam?
one thing that i agree with is the two or more witness principle.. i have an experience to tell why.. at work for lunch i go to my car and eat and read emails on my laptop (since i can't bring my laptop in).
one day a hr director and my director told me about an occasion where i was in my car and a woman went out to her car that was next to me and left for lunch.
she came back and pulled in a spot and saw that i was in my car to the left of her and what came to her mind was that i must have just pulled in after her and she felt uncomfortable with that and thinking that i was following her and she went to security.
Why the specific mention of 'an UNBELIEVING mate' in the WT quoted above? Because unbelievers lie, but a believing mate would not?
while you are sitting there reading this, there are literally hundreds of thousands of young males and females all over the world [ mostly in america / canada and england] sitting in their grotty little smelly bedrooms or flats, designing computer viruses that they will up-load onto web-sites to cause anonymous innocent peoples computers to malfunction.
these creeps spend literally weeks,months or even years hoping to make a computer viruses that will get into peoples computer bios to completely destroy their computers.
they never see the peoples anger, frustration and distress.... the damage can cost each person about 1,000 [ $1,660.74 ] or more to replace a basic new laptop or tower.
Is this Andrew? If so, I've come across you before.
campaigns can work and common sense can prevail - very good news!
for more detail visit the british humanist association.
Arg the great persecution is upon us, let's all home school immediately!